Case study

Futureproofing fired heaters at the Mongstad Refinery

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Project details
Project name:
Mongstad Refinery Fired Heater Upgrade
Client name:
North of Bergen, Norway
Refinery capacity:
8 million tons of crude oil per year
Required upgrade:
Bringing best practice:
Collaboration between Wood’s engineering teams, 中小型企业和国内专家解决项目需求和复杂性

The Mongstad refinery is the largest in Norway, 原油年生产能力约800万吨.

Located one hour north of Bergen, 该炼油厂由Equinor运营,在处理挪威大陆架的石油和天然气方面发挥着关键作用. 它生产的汽油足以满足挪威年消耗量的四倍, 大约80%的总产量出口作为运输的基本燃料, 供热和发电以及工业原料遍及欧洲、北美和亚洲部分地区.

For the past twenty years, Wood为Equinor的众多陆上和海上资产提供了支持,这些资产在全球能源结构中发挥了关键作用.

As a trusted engineering partner in delivering brownfield modifications, Wood was engaged by Equinor to upgrade one of the refinery’s fired heaters, 它是提供热量以支持提炼过程的关键部件,提炼过程生产的石油产品对我们的日常生活至关重要. 其目的是改善对流库的热量分配和燃烧加热器处理各种原油流经加工的能力, thereby providing greater reliability and operational flexibility, 为老化的基础设施提供未来保障,并以资本高效的方式延长炼油厂的运营寿命.

The project will require two phases of modifications to ensure the fired heater is future-ready and operates at its optimal efficiency. 第一阶段的重点是确保正确的基础设施和设备到位-例如更换燃烧器管理系统, redesigning ducting to ensure better heat distribution, and replacing tubes and fittings in the convection and radiant section. 第二阶段将涉及进一步的修改,使燃烧加热器系统中的阀门自动化, reducing labour intensity and enabling smarter, 预测性维护策略将提高工厂的可靠性.

改造后的基础设施的安装和调试计划在炼油厂每年的预先计划停工期间进行. 为了防止对生产或正在进行的操作产生任何影响,在周转期间满足计划是至关重要的, and to avoid any substantial cost overruns. 此外,燃烧设备需要最大限度地考虑安全性. 因此,至关重要的是,项目团队和客户保持密切的关系,以确保所有的工程, 采购和施工范围严格执行,任何潜在的安全和调度风险都被发现并迅速解决.

Collaborating to bring the best of Wood

The project was led by a core engineering team in Darlington and, 以便在项目的关键阶段处理特定的需求和复杂性, 该团队充分利用了Wood自己的燃烧加热器专家的专业知识,以及国内运营团队对挪威石油和天然气基础设施以及当地资源/后勤要求的广泛了解.

协作和利用团队的集体专业知识和能力来克服挑战是整个第一阶段的关键. For instance, 当所有的工程设计工作都必须在全球大流行最严重的时候进行时, 面对被迫在家工作的挑战,这两支团队都不为所动. Bringing their passion and ingenuity, 他们很快探索了不同的技术,使他们能够合作, communicate, share designs and manage deadlines, ensuring they maintained a joined-up approach with the client, with no impact to overall schedule.

During preparation for the installation phase, 达灵顿团队面临着为英国资源安排旅行和工作许可的挑战,同时还要遵守各种COVID-19规则, regulations and safeguards that were continuously evolving. The team collaborated with the 挪威 operations team, 利用他们丰富的经验和对当地资源需求的了解, 是什么使他们能够在炼油厂停工期间及时获得必要的资源.

Success is in the details

在网站, the installation of the infrastructure, including the three flue gas ducts and access platform, was carried out meticulously, with all modifications fitted to the millimetre.

最复杂的操作之一是吊装管道, with each weighing around 24 tons, 12.5 metres long and lifted in at approximately 35 metres high. Due to the methodical planning by the teams, 这些管道在大约20分钟内被安全抬起,考虑到它们的巨大尺寸,这是一个令人印象深刻的壮举.

事实上, 所有相关团队对细节的一丝不苟,意味着从FEED到调试和周转后的620天项目成功交付,没有发生可记录的安全事故, maintaining Wood’s exceptional HSE record.

With the upgraded fired heater now in place, 对流库顶部的热分布有了很大的改善, 导致管温度降低到450°C以下,并大大提高了燃烧加热器的使用寿命.

Wood已经开始了下一阶段的工作,使系统中的阀门自动化, 这将使围绕维护策略的决策更明智,并提高工厂的可靠性. The teams will continue to lead the way on collaboration, workshare and cross-location working to deliver project success, future-proofing the fired heater and enabling a next chapter to Mongstad’s refinery operations.