
Facility automation, 机器人 and vision

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工业制造和装配企业正在不断升级设备或新建设备. 机器人, 视觉系统和自动化物料处理解决方案对提高生产至关重要, lowering costs and increasing product reliability.

伍德在设备自动化专用机械的设计和制造方面有着悠久而卓越的记录. 我们将机械设计方面的专业知识和经验与先进的机器人技术相结合, 光学, materials handling and power systems. 我们的专业知识使我们能够涵盖从概念选择到整个项目范围, design and 模拟, to offline programming and commissioning, through full operation and add-on services. Our comprehensive offering includes:

Discrete Automation

As a global leader in the discrete automation space,  我们在广泛升级的工业化行业中提供一系列有前景的扩张, 导致对汽车和其他优化制造解决方案的需求不断增长, specifically focused in the automotive, 包装, F&B, Pharma and process optimization/event 模拟 space. Our current services we provide solutions for include:

  • Concept / Feasibility
  • Vendor selection
  • Project management
  • System engineering and design
  • HMI站
  • Error Proofing
  • Material Handling
  • Control panel 组装
  • 模拟


We have expertise in designing, 测试, 在自动化制造和分销环境的各种应用中调试和支持机器人单元. Wood covers the entire process of design, virtual modelling and 模拟, 测试 offline programming, 安装, commissioning and life cycle service.

我们使用先进的软件,如Robcad Tecnomatix和Process 模拟. 解决方案是可扩展的,并将充分集成广泛应用的核心技术. 我们的供应商独立性让我们可以使用多个制造商和可定制的路径. Our benefits bring reduced manufacturing costs, improved production quality, 消除代价高昂的设计错误,加快产品上市时间.

这个复杂的软件在安装之前生成一个工厂或处理系统的虚拟模型, 允许我们的PLC和机器人程序员生成高质量的, right-first-time control software. 我们与来自一系列制造商和机器人路径的机器人合作, and once programmed virtually in 3D, can be downloaded directly into the robots on-site, drastically reducing programming times.


Wood covers all stages of system design, 制造 and 组装 of equipment, 对项目工作和退役进行报废管理和维护支持.

  • Project management
  • 测试
  • 安装
  • 调试

Material handling

伍德提供尖端的物料搬运设备和软件,结合广泛的工程知识,为工业客户提供解决特定要求的交钥匙解决方案. We have experience with multiple types of conveyor systems, automated storage and 检索, 起重机, 索引器, monorail and guided vehicle transport, 垂直升降电梯和其他几种运输系统. 我们的优势和专业知识在于了解客户的需求,并利用我们的专业知识为应用程序设计正确的系统.

  • Automated storage & 检索
  • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
  • 带 & Roller Skid Conveyors
  • Chain On Edge (COE)
  • 起重机
  • Electrified Monorail Systems (ems)
  • Inverted power & free conveyors
  • Overhead power & free conveyors
  • High speed 索引器
  • Pallet conveyors
  • Pendulum conveyor systems
  • Skillet conveyors
  • Vertical lift / elevators
  • Zero pressure accumulating conveyors

Automated systems

我们的系统部门设计和制造特殊用途的机器和电池, integrating them with new and existing equipment. 我们的机械和控制系统工程师拥有机械设计专业知识,为各种行业提供机器人和自动化产品处理解决方案.

Once we understand our client’s requirements, our successful approach will deliver design, interface with existing equipment, 模拟, vision systems, 制造, 测试, 安装, commissioning and comprehensive service availability.

  • Machinery concept design
  • Project engineering and client support
  • Interfacing to existing machinery/conveyors
  • 3D CAD design
  • 仿真-产品和工艺流程,机器人仿真和虚拟调试
  • Robot end effector (gripper) design
  • Tooling design
  • Vision systems
  • Machine 制造 and 测试 in our dedicated workshop
  • Guarding and CE marking
  • 安装
  • 调试
  • 服务

安装可以通过综合服务包进行完全备份, 让我们的客户专注于他们的核心业务活动.

权力 systems

与物理集成系统设计的每一个层次的业务, 木材提供动力,使操作更安全、更顺畅, boosting efficiency and reducing costs with power systems, 包括:

  • Medium voltage distribution switchgear
  • Medium voltage motor control centres
  • Medium voltage metering and termination panels
  • Medium voltage local isolation panels
  • Medium and low voltage refurbishments and extensions
  • Neutral earthing resistor panels
  • Turnkey package solutions
  • Containerised substations
  • Low voltage distribution switchgear
  • Low voltage motor control centres
  • 集成 and network control
  • Control panels
  • System engineering

Control Panels

伍德的装配团队为各种应用生产高质量的控制面板. 我们的技术人员还生产机器人细胞控制面板和自动化制造系统.

我们的模块化装配过程和方法可以根据您的需求的数量和范围进行灵活调整, 我们生产的所有产品都是由精益生产和改善技术驱动的, rigorously tested for functionality, 做工和对建造标准和客户规范的遵守.

Vision Systems

我们利用我们在光学方面的知识和经验提供视觉系统的无缝集成, 机器人, and automated controls. 我们在汽车行业的丰富经验包括动力总成, 组装, conveyance systems, body shop optimisation and paint completion. 我们精心设计和集成的交钥匙系统提供装配验证, error proofing and parts identification. 我们的工程师在实施排序流程方面也拥有丰富的专业知识,可以更有效地进行物料流动,并为类似物品的定制分组和包装提供配套. 我们的工程师被认为是视觉领域的专家,并通过了ISO:9001认证和合规.

  • 集成
  • Systems implementation
  • 验证
  • Error proofing
为了我们的共同目标团结起来,为世界上最严峻的挑战找到解决方案, we are future ready, 现在.